I am ...
- About to finish my 5 years long road as a Research Assistant at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute for Security in Distributed Applications (SVA) where I have been teaching security and working towards my PhD in ICS security under the supervision of Prof. Dieter Gollmann
- About to continue my professional career as a Senior Security Consultant at the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)
Research interests
- Cyber-physical security of industrial control systems
- Process control systems (PCS)
- Smart Grids
- Developing cyber-physical security fundamentals, e.g. process-aware security properties
- Design and implementation of cyber-physical attacks to understand attackers strategies and develop detection and reaction solutions.
- Process-aware risk assessment: mission-oriented risk assessment
Upcoming Events
- Giving a talk at Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam, Holland (28-29.05.15)
- Giving talk at Positive Hack Days conference in Moscow, Russia (26-27.05.15)
- Giving talk and workshop at the ICS Cyber Security Europe 2015 conference in London, UK (29-30.04.14)
- Presenting accepted papers at the 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communication Security (ASIACCS'15) and 1st Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS'15), Singapore (14-17.04.15)
- Moving to the Netherlands and start my job as a Senior Security Consultant at European Network for Cyber Security (01.03.2014)
Current involvements
- Collaboration with Prof. Alvaro Cardenas from the University of Texas in Dallas
- Collaboration with Jason Larsen from IOActive
- Vice president of NIT Alumni Network
- Member of TUHH committee for Teaching and Studies
- Member of commission for awarding fellowships and grants in accordance with the Hamburg Act for the Promotion of Young Researchers and Artists/Stipendien nach dem Hamburgischen Gesetz zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Nachwuchses (HmbNFG)
- Shell: Introduction to Networking and Security for Control & Automation Systems (26.10.11)
- Shell: Diploma Safety for Operational Supervisors VCS (16.11.11)
- Shell: Field Instrumentation (28.11-09.12.11)
- DHS: Introduction to Control Systems Cybersecurity (11.05.12)
- DHS: Control Systems Cyber Security Advanced Training (14-18.05.12)
- Siemens: Industrial communication with PROFIBUS/PROFINET (17-18.01.13)
- Siemens: Upgrade from Step7 to TIA Portal: PLC programming (11-12.03.13)
- Siemens: TIA Portal and new PLC generation S7-1500 (15-16-04.13)
- Siemens: Safety Systems, Safety Integrated with SIMATIC S7 (27-28.05.13)
- TCIPG: Summer School on Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (17-21.06.13)
- HIMA: Equipment safety "Security for Safety" (19.11.13)
- Heise: Network Assesment and Penetration Training (28-29.11.13)
- S4x14: Introduction to Hardware Hacking for ICS Professionals workshop (17.01.14)
- ENCS: Advanced ICS Security Training (03-07.03.14)
- Program Committee at ICS-CSR 2015: 3rd International Symposium for Industrial Control System & SCADA Cyber Security Research
- Program Committee at CPSS 2015: 1st Int. Cyber-Physical Systems Security Workshop
- Program Committee at ICCWS 2015: 10th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
- Program Committee at SEGS 2014: Smart Energy Grid Security Workshop
- Program Committee at SIN 2014: 7th Int. Conference on Security of Information and Networks
- Program Committee at MeSSa 2014: 2nd International Workshop on Measurability of Security in Software Architectures
- Invited reviewer at INDIN 2014: 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
- Invited reviewer for Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA), Elsevier
- Frequent Invited reviewer for International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (IJCIP), Elsevier
- Invited reviewer at IEEE ICC 2014: 13th IEEE Int. Conference on Communication Systems
- Program Committee at SEGS 2013: Smart Energy Grid Security Workshop
- Program Committee at ASPI 2013: International Workshop on Adaptive Security & Privacy management for the IoT
- Program Committee at ISTP-2013: 3rd International Workshop on Information Security, Theory and Practice
- Invited reviewer at SIN 2013: The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks
- Organizer of OWASP AppSec Research Conference (20-23.08.2013)
- Organizer of WASR'13: 1st European workshop on Web Application Security Research (20.08.2013)
- Organizer of WiSec’11: 4th ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (15-17.06.11)
- Organizer of myPhD’13: 5th German doctoral gathering in security field (16-17.09.13)
- Organizer of HCW’12: Home Coming Weekend for NIT Alumni (28-30.09.12)
- Organizer of HCW’13: Home Coming Weekend for NIT Alumni (27-29.09.13)
- Organizer of HCW’14: Joined Home Coming Weekend for NIT and TUHH Alumni (26-28.09.14)
Teaching experience
WS 14:
- Exercise: Introduction to Security
- Exercise: Network Security
- Exercise: Introduction to Security
- Exercise: Network Security
- Security Seminar
- Exercise: Software Security
- Practice: Software Project
- Proseminar Informatics
- Exercise: Network Security
- Exercise: Software Security
- Practice: Software Project
- Proseminar Informatics
- Exercise: Network Security
Past Events
- Giving talk at 31C3 Chaos Communication Congress on Damn Vulnerable Chemical Process in Hamburg, Germany (27-30.12.14)
- Giving a talk at S4 Symposium of Digital Bond on A Mission Centric Approach to Securing Control Systems Miami, USA (13-16.01.15)
- Presenting paper at the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference in New Orleans, USA (8-12.12.14)
- Giving talk at the 1st SCADA Security Conference Latin America in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (5-7.11.14)
- Giving talk at the III Iberian-American Congress on Industrial Cybersecurity in Madrid, Spain (07-08.10.14)
- Attending ICS 3C ICS Cybersecurity Council Conference 2014 in Heidelberg, Germany (30.09-01.10.2014)
- Presenting paper at the 2nd International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security in St. Pölten, Austria (11-12.09.14)
- Presenting paper at the 9th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2014) in Hirosaki, Japan (27-29.08.14)
- Attending DEFCON, Las Vegas, USA (07-10.08.14)
- Attending Black Hat, Las Vegas, USA (05-07.08.14)
- Participating in Dagstuhl Seminar on Network Attack Detection and Defence: Securing Industrial Control Systems for Critical Infrastructure in Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics, Germany (13-16.07.14)
- Attending Innovation Tour 2014 of Siements in Braunschweig (24.06.14)
- Giving a talk and a workshop on cyber-physical security at ICS Cyber Security Conference, London, UK (22-24.04.14)
- Presenting poster at the Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems HiCoNS'14 (accepted poster "Is this a good Time? Deciding to Launch Attacks Against Cyber-Phyisical Systems"), Berlin (15-17.04.14)
- Attending Idaho National Labs for collaboration, USA (26.03-04.04.14)
- Giving talk at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA (20.03-21.03.14)
- Presenting paper at the 9th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ICCWS-2014(accepted paper "Cyber Can Kill and Destroy too: Blurring Borders Between Conventional and Cyberwarfare"), Purdue University, USA (24-25.03.14)
- Presenting paper at the 8th Annual IFIP Working Group 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection (accepted paper "Exploring Timing of Attacks on Process Control Systems"), Arlington, Virginia, USA (17-19.03.14)
- Attending Advanced ICS Security Training at the ENCS, The Hague, Netherlands (03-07.03.14)
- Giving a talk at S4 Symposium, Miami, USA (14-17.01.14)
- Attending The IT Security Expo and Congress in Nürnberg (08-10.10.13)
- Presenting paper at the 18th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems in Ilulissat, Greenland (accepted paper) (18-21.10.13)
- Visiting European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) (04-09.08.13)
- Attending the IEEE 11th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (accepted paper) (29-31.07.13)
- Assistant organizer of OWASP AppSec Research 2013 (20-23.08.2013)
- Local organizer of WASR’13: First European workshop on Web Application Security Research (21.08.13)
- Organizer and participant: myPhD'13 (16-17.09.13 )
- Participating in Science Slams in Hamburg (13.09.13)
- Organizer and participant: NIT Home Coming Weekend (28-29.09.13)
- Participating in Profession Orientation evening for high-school graduates of Friedrich -Ebert- Gymnasium (24.10.13)
- Performing at the Graduation Ball of Hamburg University with my peace on Blonds & Cybersecurity at Grand Elysee Hotel (26.10.13)
- Attending SEGS'13 workshop hold in conjunction with ACM CCS 2013 in Berlin (08.11.13)
- Attending Network Assessmentand Penetration Training of Compass Security (28-29.11.13)
- Attending 30C3, Hamburg (27-30.12.13